Corporate Trainer, Business Consultant , Psychologist


We want to make human beings aware about the potential of life as well as the value of life. Once a person knows the value of life, he will live the fullest and have a meaning for his life.


We are here to engage with humans. We tackle personally and deal faithfully to make each of them a positive individual.

Organizational Process Streamlining

Do you wish to elevate your organization to the next level?

In majority of organizations, biggest obstacle to reach next level is the lack of process. To become a professional organization, streamlining of process has an important role. If you have the wish and vision, we can help to achieve your goal. By conducting an in depth analysis of your organization and the employees, we shall help you to identify the Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats. Once these details are identified, an overall restructuring of your organization is possible.

Entrepreneur Enhancement Program

What makes a business person different from others?

An entrepreneur is supposed to be multifaceted as he needs to have knowledge in finance, marketing, production, human resource etc. He should have skills such as problem solving, rational decision making, people management and ability to deal with time, stress, anger and emotions. As such, an entrepreneur needs to be updated and upgraded constantly. Our Entrepreneur Enhancement program is a meticulous training which is based on both business acumen and individual psychology.

Employee Reengineering Program

Do you know, your employee is the air for your business?

In our business, if customer is food and vendor is water, then our employee is air. Air can be contaminated quickly, thus periodic air purification is mandatory. Employee retention is an important factor for success of any organization. Our motivation and psychological based Employee Reengineering Program will change the face of your organization. It will also help to improve the customer satisfaction for both external and internal customers.

Sales Acceleration Program

Increasing the sales and controlling the cost are the two major ways to reach profitability.

Competency based training is one of the most powerful and cost effective tools to improve individual performance. Sales force requires not only the push, but regular motivation, energy, winning spirit, one to one coaching etc. Sales department will have its best result when there are continuous trainings, monitoring and review. Our Sales Acceleration Program will guarantee 20 – 30 percentage sales increase at your organization.

Individual Counselling & Guidance

for online Counselling Contact: +91 8281 171620

Counselling for child psychological disorders like ADHD, CD, OCD and Autistic spectrum disorder

Counselling for psychological problems like Anxiety, Depression, Phobias, Panic disorder and various Personality disorders

Counselling for addiction

Intelligence test and Personality test

Counselling for parents and students

Counselling for inferiority complex

Counselling for sleep disorder

Counselling for prenatal and postpartum depression

Counselling for marital conflicts and family welfare

Therapies provided: Cognitive behavioural therapy, Behavioural modification, Exposure therapy and Stress relaxation techniques

Mr. Banarji Bhaskaran

is a passionate speaker and trainer who believe in the unlimited potential within a human being who can create miracles. People settle for ordinary life because they have no one to tell about the potential within. Secondly they are afraid of failure.

Mr. Banarji is on a mission to reach as many humans and make them aware of the potential they have. His ways of training as well as instances from different walks of life are applauded by students, teachers, professionals and Government officials alike.

After doing his graduation in Physics, he completed his M.B.A in Marketing and M.A. in Counselling Psychology. More than 20 years, he maneuvered in the service industry where people management is the core notion. His excellent knowledge in sales, marketing, customer service, training and human management made him reach the professional heights with multinational companies during his tenure in Dubai for 18 years.

Mrs. Dhanya R

(Counselling Psychologist)

An Electrical Engineer by profession, Dhanya is on a journey to understand human capabilities. She had completed her M.A in counselling Psychology.

Currently she is healing and solving people problem related to life and mind. Every individual is capable of healing themselves, but need guidance and support to improve and grow in life.

A therapist should give a comfortable space and environment to a client to express their concerns and feelings.

ONLINE Counselling is conducted at the convenience of client and their comfortable language. Dhanya can speak English, Malayalam, Hindi and Tamil.

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TC 2/4249 Sainik School – P.O. Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala – India.

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+91 8281 171620

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